ESTU Software Community

Our community, which has a multidisciplinary structure, set out with the aim of creating software awareness within the university.

Our Projects & Activities for you

We offer a variety of activities and projects for our members to learn and grow their software development skills. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, we have something for you.


In our CareerD+ events, we aim to build a bridge between the industry and students by...


We aim to help them increase their level of knowledge by providing trainings and...

About What We Do & Who We Are

ESTU Software Community was established within Eskişehir Technical University in the 2022-2023 academic year.

Our community, which has a multidisciplinary structure, set out with the aim of creating software awareness within the university. It aims to help our members prepare for the business world by taking charge in various teams with interdisciplinary working principles, contributing to teamwork and supporting their academic life with the trainings.

given within the club, on the other hand, bringing them together with people from the sector. Considering the developing technologies, we offer the chance to get to know the software activities, which is our main goal, and to dominate these activities. Our community continues its activities both with the events held and with our dynamic staff and infrastructure we have established.
checkout our CareerD+ and TrainingD+


Students whose aim is to learn software or improve their current knowledge in this field; To gain software awareness both theoretically and practically, together with dynamic work teams, to bring together our members with experts in their fields, to transfer their experience and work experiences, to be an intermediary for our members in finding internship and job opportunities, and to carry out all kinds of activities that support their personal development in the socio-cultural sense. and to provide motivation by raising their goals to the highest.


To create a bridge between business life and ESTU Software Community, while supporting both our community and our members to take part in all kinds of activities in the software world that is advancing day by day, and to be a community that supports our members with trainings and contributes to their academic development by following the developing technology together with these technologies and developments.